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Writer's picture: Bloom TeamBloom Team

Hey Bloomsquad... it's been a few months since we've last chatted.

This has been a memorable year so far to say the least, hasn't it? However, I'm sure if we all stopped to think about it a bit and possibly make a list, we could probably all come up with a lot of positive things about 2020 in our personal, family &/or business life. It's really just a matter of perspective.

Other times though, you can hear/read... "focus on the good"... "find the positive"... but you're just not in the mood for a hype session. We've all probably had that feeling a few times this year too... am I right?

Your thoughts do matter though.

What you focus on matters.

YOU matter.

YOU... choosing to get out of bed every single day MATTERS.

YOU. The one, just like the rest of us, who has no idea what the remainder of the year holds because who knew this year would even still look like this in August?!?!

However... whether the world & our own individual worlds may be full of many unknowns right now, especially with school starting now too, having your own self-care routine is ESSENTIAL.


To your spouse... to your kids... to your employer... to your pets... to your parents... to your friends... but mostly to YOU... because you can't pour from an empty cup.

So if we can suggest anything to you right now, it's that you remember to take time for yourself.

Almost everything will work again if you just unplug it for a few minutes... including you.

Unplugging could simply mean turning off your phone & tuning into a good book.

Unplugging could simply mean taking part of your lunch break to take a walk around the block.

Unplugging could simply mean getting up 30 minutes earlier to have some uninterrupted quiet time to yourself.

Unplugging could simply mean taking a few minutes out of the day to meditate.

Unplugging could simply mean taking an hour to do a virtual workout.

Unplugging is a quick little restart.

And in the same way we charge our phone battery once a day... we kinda need to take time for our own daily re-charge too.

As we head into the last quarter of the year... we, too, are in the midst of unknowns and continually adapting to what's going on in the world. But we are also listening to YOUR wants & needs in our Bloom community.

We'll be shooting out a survey soon. Your answers will help us navigate through each month as we put our schedules into place.

And did you know that our virtual library has almost 200 videos? That's a LOT of workouts, ladies & gents. And your "All-In" membership includes access to it!

While we know that it isn't always physically possible for you to get to the studio, we are continuously working to accommodate your needs via Zoom, Facebook Live and recorded videos. Even during a "normal" year... our video library is a great resource for working out while you're at home OR on the road!

Hang in there though, Bloomsquad!

We are all here to cheer each other on! It's more important NOW than ever, to have a strong community of women to rely on and we are so thankful for YOU hanging in there with us!!

And by the way... if you've never attended one of our YOGA UNCORKED events... do yourself a favor and join us on Sunday morning! Register here! It's a GREAT way to unplug and soak in some really REALLY good vibes!

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